Alternative End-of-Service Benefits Scheme

Empowering you to achieve your long-term investment goals

The Alternative End-of-Service Benefits (EoSB) Scheme, introduced by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) and governed by Decree-Law No. (33) of 2021, allows participating employers to channel their employees’ end-of-service gratuity into professionally managed funds approved by the UAE’s Securities & Commodities Authority.

Employers choosing to participate in the scheme would allow their employees to invest their end-of-service benefits in funds, enabling them to receive returns on investment upon completion of their employment.

Empowering you to achieve your long-term investment goals

Investment Options

Choose from three different risk profiles

The Lunate EoSB Scheme offers a choice of three different risk profiles, each covering conventional and Shariah-compliant options.

If an employee does not select an investment option or does not qualify as a “skilled worker”*, they will be automatically enrolled in the Capital Protection** investment Please note, all investments carry risks, including the potential loss of principal. Thus, terms such as “low risk” or “high risk” are subjective and informational only.

*A skilled worker is defined as an employee who earns a monthly salary of AED 4,000 or more, according to the officially recognised labour classification system within the labour market.

**Capital Protection sub-funds may be considered low-risk investments. Nonetheless, the investments may be affected by force-majeure events.
strategy (default investment option).

Capital Protection
Capital Protection
Capital Protection

Provides a stable rate of return over time with minimal risk. The strategy suits conservative investors who prioritise capital preservation.


Seeks an equilibrium between a stable rate of return and long-term growth. This strategy is suitable for investors looking for moderate growth while managing risk.


Prioritises long-term growth of investments. This approach is best suited to investors with a longer time investment horizon and higher risk tolerance.

Benefits of the EoSB Scheme

How can employees and employers benefit?

Increased gratuity potential
The Lunate EoSB Scheme enables employees to earn returns on their end-of-service gratuity, potentially increasing the amount they receive upon concluding their tenure.
Flexibility of choice
Employees can choose how their end-of-service benefits will be managed, catering to various risk appetites, with conventional and Shariah-compliant options.
Robust infrastructure and expertise
Employees benefit from Lunate’s robust infrastructure and expertise, managing end-of-service benefits with high professional standards.
Supplementary investments
Employees can voluntarily add their own contributions and select from different investment options to match their investment preferences.
Increased gratuity potential
Flexibility of choice
Robust infrastructure and expertise
Supplementary investments
Simplified process
The Lunate EoSB Scheme reduces the administrative burden for employers by streamlining end-of-service benefit management through SCA-approved investment funds.
Talent attraction and retention
Offering a competitive EoSB Scheme can improve talent attraction and retention by enhancing employee compensation packages.
Professional management
With extensive investment experience, Lunate ensures professional and cost-effective management of employee funds.
Additional contributions
Employers can make additional contributions beyond basic entitlements, reinforcing their commitment to the financial security of their employees.
Simplified process
Talent attraction and retention
Professional management
Additional contributions
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